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Serve as a subject matter expert for Application Security, providing guidance to Engineering and Product teams throughout the Match Group portfolio. Lead research into suspected application vulnerabilities. Maintain awareness of known vulnerabilities in application technologies used within Match Group. Prior experience securing large-scale web and mobile applications, including performing security code reviews, vulnerability assessments, and manual testing for logic flaws. Familiarity with dynamic and static application security tools. Experience performing thorough threat modeling of web applications. The ability to effectively partner and communicate with Engineering and Product teams. 4+ years of application security and/or development experience.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/25982103", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26358291, "name": "Senior Software Engineer (Remote)", "location": "Los Angeles, California", "locations": ["Los Angeles, California"], "hot": 0, "department": "Match Group", "business_unit": "Engineering", "t_update": 1734104198, "t_create": 1734036344, "ats_job_id": "53bf2e2f-5b09-4f14-b72b-aa58918373cb", "display_job_id": "53bf2e2f-5b09-4f14-b72b-aa58918373cb", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "5815242879175048124-en", "job_description": "Work closely with the MG engineers to build and operate central services that have an important influence on all brands within the Match Group portfolio. Implement new RESTful API endpoints, make changes to existing high-volume endpoints. Architect and build new services using Java/Spring and sometimes do maintenance for existing services using C#/.NET Core, leveraging core AWS technologies. Delivers all aspects of the B2B (SaaS) software engineering including technical documentation, observability, and implementation of business logic. 5+ years of experience as a backend-focused software engineer with strong expertise in Java/Spring or C#/.NET Core (or equivalent experience) and cloud technologies (especially AWS: EKS, SQS, DynamoDB). Experience in Test Driven Development, RDBMS, and understanding of NoSQL databases. Experience working in containerized environments (Docker, Kubernetes). A strong sense of ownership and pride in your craft, with a focus on writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code. A commitment to continuous improvement\u2014both in your own skills and the codebase you work on. Experience mentoring junior engineers and helping them grow in their careers. Excellent problem-solving skills and comfort with low-level technical details, especially when tackling complex technical challenges. Strong communication skills to collaborate with engineers, PMs, and other stakeholders, particularly in a remote, distributed team. A results-driven approach, with a passion for seeing the real-world impact of your work in production.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/26358291", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24001702, "name": "Sr. Software Engineer, Data", "location": "Los Angeles, California", "locations": ["Los Angeles, California"], "hot": 0, "department": "Tinder", "business_unit": "Engineering", "t_update": 1734631389, "t_create": 1721345503, "ats_job_id": "d80ff7c5-0db1-4326-9b84-01c7760a6d3f", "display_job_id": "d80ff7c5-0db1-4326-9b84-01c7760a6d3f", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "7032937579282306418-en", "job_description": "Improve Trust in Our Data by Championing for Data Quality Across the Organization Develop and implement comprehensive data validation rules and quality metrics. Contribute to the design and architecture of a scalable, efficient analytics platform that supports advanced data processing and machine learning models. Improve the Resiliency and Performance of Our Existing Platform Implement robust error handling and recovery processes to enhance system uptime and reliability. Collaborate with infrastructure teams to ensure the platform can handle increased loads and data volume. Develop intuitive, user-friendly tools that enable non-technical stakeholders to access and analyze data independently. Collaborate and Build Strong Partnerships with Product, AI/ML, Data Science, Marketing and Finance Participate in strategy sessions to help guide data-driven decision-making and prioritize data initiatives based on organizational goals. Work closely with AI/ML and Data Science teams to define data requirements for predictive modeling and machine learning projects. Facilitate knowledge-sharing sessions and encourage a culture of learning and open dialogue within the team. Assist in the onboarding process for new team members, ensuring they are well-equipped to contribute to the team's goals effectively. 5+ years of industry experience with a strong track record in data engineering and software development. Significant knowledge of data warehousing and data modeling techniques. Expertise in large-scale distributed data processing platforms, such as Databricks or Apache Spark. Advanced proficiency in SQL for complex querying, data manipulation, and performance optimization. Strong coding skills in Python, preferably in Python 3.x for data analysis and backend services. Experience in designing, building, and maintaining ETL pipelines that ensure data quality and accessibility. Familiarity with orchestration tools like Apache Airflow or Dagster for workflow management and automation.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/24001702", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 22311519, "name": "Product Operations Specialist", "location": "Los Angeles, California", "locations": ["Los Angeles, California"], "hot": 0, "department": "Tinder", "business_unit": "Program Management", "t_update": 1734837014, "t_create": 1715123617, "ats_job_id": "42a043c6-45a0-49db-b7ab-bf86d6ef6d7a", "display_job_id": "42a043c6-45a0-49db-b7ab-bf86d6ef6d7a", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1709385117122482629-en", "job_description": "Our Mission Launched in 2012, Tinder\u00ae revolutionized how people meet, growing from 1 match to one billion matches in just two years. This rapid growth demonstrates its ability to fulfill a fundamental human need: real connection. Today, the app has been downloaded over 630 million times, leading to over 97 billion matches, serving approximately 50 million users per month in 190 countries and 45+ languages - a scale unmatched by any other app in the category. In 2024, Tinder won four Effie Awards for its first-ever global brand campaign, \u201cIt Starts with a Swipe\u201d\u2122\" Our Values One Team, One Dream We work hand-in-hand, building Tinder for our members. We succeed together when we work collaboratively across functions, teams, and time zones, and think outside the box to achieve our company vision and mission. Own It We take accountability and strive to make a positive impact in all aspects of our business, through ownership, innovation, and a commitment to excellence. Never Stop Learning We cultivate a culture where it's safe to take risks. We seek out input, share honest feedback, celebrate our wins, and learn from our mistakes in order to continue improving. Spark Solutions We're problem solvers, focusing on how to best move forward when faced with obstacles. We don't dwell on the past or on the issues at hand, but instead look at how to stay agile and overcome hurdles to achieve our goals. Embrace Our Differences We are intentional about building a workplace that reflects the rich diversity of our members. By leveraging different perspectives and other ways of thinking, we build better experiences for our members and our team. The Product Operations Specialist will focus on expanding our current and new product initiatives globally, while introducing processes and oversight on complex initiatives that will allow Tinder to continue to scale. This critical role helps Tinder identify risks, opportunities, and cross dependencies that span the entire organization, \u201cbridging the gaps\u201d by providing consistent reporting on initiatives and program health. It will serve as an accountability mechanism for work that has been prioritized on roadmaps and provide timely updates to decision makers (exec team) on blockers and risks that need to be addressed, ensuring projects are delivered on time and meet or exceed expectations. Your expertise in program management and product operations will guide our ambitious roadmap, helping us build and refine our products and processes. Where you'll work:This is a hybrid role and requires in-office collaboration twice per week. This position is located in West Hollywood, Palo Alto or San Francisco. In this role, you will: Develop and implement product operations strategies to enhance productivity and efficiency. Collaborate with product managers to align operational activities with product roadmaps. Administer the Launch Readiness (Go To Market) Program, coordinating cross-functional teams to ensure timely and successful product launches. Identify functional and technical requirements, collecting inputs from business, product, and technical teams to improve transparency of roadmap status across the organization. Identify dependencies and the critical path, and apply a systematic approach to status reporting. Partner with teams across the organization and around the globe to define product launch strategy and closely track execution. Regularly communicate on initiative status to stakeholders (e.g. weekly updates, point out changes to timings, new additions, recent launches, notable blockers/wins). Identify gaps or risks in the process and upcoming releases and define mitigation strategy- use problem solving, communication and active coordination with stakeholders, escalating to executive leadership if necessary. Drive continuous improvement initiatives to enhance product quality and user satisfaction. Manage and optimize product lifecycle processes, from ideation to launch and beyond. Partner with Member Experience to ensure customer voice is fed back into the product roadmap. Serve as the subject matter expert on the Product Development Lifecycle Process (PDLC), educating and guiding the team in its application and rollout. You'll need: 5 years in program management and/or product operations within consumer tech, particularly in fast-growing sectors such as mobile games or subscription services. Experience in PDLC and SDLC processes. Experience in owning critical processes involving internal & external clients/teams. Experience working with cross functional teams & business partners. Demonstrated ability to work with cross-functional teams and lead through influence to achieve project outcomes. Exceptional ability to manage projects, including structuring and managing multiple concurrent work streams. Experience with tools such as Jira, Confluence, Google Suite, Figma, and Monday.com. $ 120000- $140000 a year Factors such as scope and responsibilities of the position, candidate's work experience, education/training, job-related skills, internal peer equity, as well as market and business considerations may influence base pay offered. This salary range is reflective of a position based in San Francisco, Palo Alto, and West Hollywood CA. This salary will be subject to a geographic adjustment (according to a specific city and state), if an authorization is granted to work outside of the location listed in this posting. Commitment to Inclusion At Tinder, we don't just accept difference, we celebrate it. We strive to build a workplace that reflects the rich diversity of our members around the world, and we value unique perspectives and backgrounds. Even if you don't meet all the listed qualifications, we invite you to apply and show us how your skills could transfer. Tinder is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace where we welcome people of all sexes, gender identities, races, ethnicities, disabilities, and other lived experiences. Learn more here: https://www.lifeattinder.com/dei If you require reasonable accommodation to complete a job application, pre-employment testing, or a job interview or to otherwise participate in the hiring process, please speak to your Talent Acquisition Partner directly. Tinder", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/22311519", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 23910510, "name": "Engineering Manager II, Android, Core Experience", "location": "Los Angeles, California", "locations": ["Los Angeles, California"], "hot": 0, "department": "Tinder", "business_unit": "Engineering", "t_update": 1734843690, "t_create": 1720731133, "ats_job_id": "2ab33895-d96a-4ff3-b9a7-4609f22be30f", "display_job_id": "R0003617", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R0003617-en", "job_description": "Our Mission Launched in 2012, Tinder\u00ae revolutionized how people meet, growing from 1 match to one billion matches in just two years. This rapid growth demonstrates its ability to fulfill a fundamental human need: real connection. Today, the app has been downloaded over 630 million times, leading to over 97 billion matches, serving approximately 50 million users per month in 190 countries and 45+ languages - a scale unmatched by any other app in the category. In 2024, Tinder won four Effie Awards for its first-ever global brand campaign, \u201cIt Starts with a Swipe\u201d\u2122\" Our Values One Team, One Dream We work hand-in-hand, building Tinder for our members. We succeed together when we work collaboratively across functions, teams, and time zones, and think outside the box to achieve our company vision and mission. Own It We take accountability and strive to make a positive impact in all aspects of our business, through ownership, innovation, and a commitment to excellence. Never Stop Learning We cultivate a culture where it's safe to take risks. We seek out input, share honest feedback, celebrate our wins, and learn from our mistakes in order to continue improving. Spark Solutions We're problem solvers, focusing on how to best move forward when faced with obstacles. We don't dwell on the past or on the issues at hand, but instead look at how to stay agile and overcome hurdles to achieve our goals. Embrace Our Differences We are intentional about building a workplace that reflects the rich diversity of our members. By leveraging different perspectives and other ways of thinking, we build better experiences for our members and our team. As the Engineering Manager for Core Experience at Tinder, you will have an outsized impact by leading the team that builds and maintains user-facing features for Tinder's Profile and Post-Match experiences. You'll have the opportunity to manage and lead a team of up to 8 Android engineers building some of the most foundational aspects of the Tinder app. We are deeply invested in challenging norms, constantly improving architecture designs, exploring emergent tech and ideas, and leveraging new technologies in interesting ways to deliver an app that is used by millions across the globe. Where you'll work: This is a hybrid role and requires in-office collaboration two times per week in our Los Angeles, California office. What You'll Do: Lead a team of up to 8 Android engineers building consumer-facing features that reach millions of users globally and help create the optimal Tinder experience for our members. Define and own platform objectives and key metrics, developing a strategic roadmap for your team. Collaborate with cross-functional/platform teams to execute the roadmap, delivering high-quality results promptly. Drive technical, design and product discussions with teams across the organization to define and scope requirements. Establish the technical direction for the team and lead the team to achieve it. Lead and mentor team members to help them reach their full potential. What You'll Need: 7+ years of professional experience building native android applications. 2+ year(s) of experience managing mobile engineering teams. Significant experience with Kotlin, understanding concepts like structs, data classes, optionals, generics, concurrency, etc. Familiarity with architecture patterns such as MVVM, VIPER, MVI, RIBs, and their applications. Proven experience leading a team in building and shipping large-scale mobile apps. Excellent communication skills with the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams. Ability to inspire and motivate the team to exceed expectations. $ 180000- $230000 a year The salary range for this position is $170,000 - $210,000. Factors such as scope and responsibilities of the position, candidate's work experience, education/training, job-related skills, internal peer equity, as well as market and business considerations may influence base pay offered. This salary range is reflective of a position based in West Hollywood. This salary will be subject to a geographic adjustment (according to a specific city and state), if an authorization is granted to work outside of the location listed in this posting. As a full-time employee, you'll enjoy: Unlimited PTO (with no waiting period) 10 annual Wellness DaysTime off to volunteer and charitable donations matched up to $15,000 annually Comprehensive health, vision, and dental coverage 100% 401(k) employer match up to 10%, Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) 100% paid parental leave (including for non-birthing parents) and family forming benefits Investment in your development: mentorship through our MentorMatch program, access to 6,000+ online courses through Udemy, and an annual $3,000 stipend for your professional development Investment in your wellness: access to mental health support via Modern Health, paid concierge medical membership, pet insurance, fitness membership subsidy, and commuter subsidy $500 work-from-home stipend to set you up for remote work Free subscription to Tinder Platinum Commitment to Inclusion At Tinder, we don't just accept difference, we celebrate it. We strive to build a workplace that reflects the rich diversity of our members around the world, and we value unique perspectives and backgrounds. Even if you don't meet all the listed qualifications, we invite you to apply and show us how your skills could transfer. Tinder is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace where we welcome people of all sexes, gender identities, races, ethnicities, disabilities, and other lived experiences. Learn more here: https://www.lifeattinder.com/dei If you require reasonable accommodation to complete a job application, pre-employment testing, or a job interview or to otherwise participate in the hiring process, please speak to your Talent Acquisition Partner directly. Tinder", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/23910510", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25706553, "name": "Staff Technical Recruiter", "location": "Los Angeles, California", "locations": ["Los Angeles, California"], "hot": 0, "department": "Tinder", "business_unit": "People", "t_update": 1734843690, "t_create": 1729182771, "ats_job_id": "09eb005a-f9dd-4614-90e5-9aed9d7ad452", "display_job_id": "09eb005a-f9dd-4614-90e5-9aed9d7ad452", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "4192063719038254346-en", "job_description": "Collaborate with hiring managers to understand technical role requirements and develop effective recruitment strategies. Manage the full recruitment lifecycle, from posting job openings to extending offers and negotiating terms. Provide an excellent candidate experience by maintaining clear and timely communication throughout the recruitment process. 8+ years of experience in technical recruiting, preferably in a high-growth tech environment. Strong understanding of technical roles and the ability to evaluate technical skills (specifically in Android and iOS) Proficiency in using various sourcing tools and techniques. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Strong organizational and time management skills. Ability to work independently and manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. Experience with ATS software (e.g. Lever, Greenhouse) Demonstrated ability to build relationships with candidates and hiring managers. Experience leading end-to end recruitment processes and experience developing comprehensive recruitment strategies for niche roles. Successful management of high-level candidate negotiations. 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Excellent communication and presentation skills, with the ability to clearly articulate design decisions and their impact on the user experience.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/26325316", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25467863, "name": "Sr. Technical Product Manager, Authentication & Verification", "location": "West Hollywood, California", "locations": ["West Hollywood, California"], "hot": 0, "department": "Match Group", "business_unit": "Engineering", "t_update": 1734724490, "t_create": 1728415048, "ats_job_id": "524c9108-65e8-4df8-b35c-edf9ff23b776", "display_job_id": "524c9108-65e8-4df8-b35c-edf9ff23b776", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "2822003696353270278-en", "job_description": "Provide training to internal customers on how to utilize the services. 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You have experience working with third party technology providers. You have experience working with large datasets for planning and analysis, experience with analytics tools such as SQL and BI software a plus. You have equal comfort communicating to business stakeholders and engineers; ability to tailor the message appropriately to the audience. You have ease with building trust with cross-functional stakeholders through integrity, honesty, authenticity, and drive. 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