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This rapid growth demonstrates its ability to fulfill a fundamental human need: real connection. Today, the app has been downloaded over 630 million times, leading to over 97 billion matches, serving approximately 50 million users per month in 190 countries and 45+ languages - a scale unmatched by any other app in the category. In 2024, Tinder won four Effie Awards for its first-ever global brand campaign, \u201cIt Starts with a Swipe\u201d\u2122\" Our Values One Team, One Dream We work hand-in-hand, building Tinder for our members. We succeed together when we work collaboratively across functions, teams, and time zones, and think outside the box to achieve our company vision and mission. Own It We take accountability and strive to make a positive impact in all aspects of our business, through ownership, innovation, and a commitment to excellence. Never Stop Learning We cultivate a culture where it's safe to take risks. We seek out input, share honest feedback, celebrate our wins, and learn from our mistakes in order to continue improving. Spark Solutions We're problem solvers, focusing on how to best move forward when faced with obstacles. We don't dwell on the past or on the issues at hand, but instead look at how to stay agile and overcome hurdles to achieve our goals. Embrace Our Differences We are intentional about building a workplace that reflects the rich diversity of our members. By leveraging different perspectives and other ways of thinking, we build better experiences for our members and our team. The Role: We are seeking a Public Relations, Associate Manager with strong organizational skills, social media literacy, and a keen interest in current cultural trends. In this role, you will support the U.S. Communications team and collaborate with a seasoned group of professionals to shape and communicate Tinder's story as a company, product, and brand. You will report to the Director of Communications for the U.S. Region, based in Los Angeles (West Hollywood). Where you'll work: This is a hybrid role and requires in-office collaboration two days per week. This role is located in Los Angeles, California (West Hollywood). In this role you will: Be a strategic PR and creative thinker with strong project, time, and relationship management skills. Build and maintain media contacts and relationships with top-tier consumer tech, fashion, and lifestyle media, delivering high-impact earned media placements. Demonstrate expertise in social media content creation and leverage your understanding of the evolving media landscape, especially in implementing social media PR strategies. Serve as the cross-functional project lead for the PR function, providing strategic communications counsel to internal partners and executing on strategies. Manage influencer relations for the U.S. Communications team, including liaising with talent management, interview preparation, in-person support, and relationship management. Lead media responses via the press inbox for the U.S. region, under the guidance of regional leadership. Collaborate with global PR teams on major product and brand initiatives, sharing best practices from U.S.-led campaigns. Act as a liaison with the PR agency of record, offering real-time feedback on strategies, earned media outreach, and reporting. Lead the creation of press materials and editorial content with support from the wider Americas Communications team. Act as the team's \"Trend Spotter,\" identifying opportunities online to quickly react and leverage cross-functional resources to drive earned media moments. You'll need: A minimum 3-4 years strong media relations, in-house lifestyle brand, PR agency, brand or marketing experience Understands PR is not just media relations and is creative, thoughtful, and innovative in finding new and exciting ways to reach our core demo (18-24). Incredibly literate in social media with a deep knowledge base on influencer culture and the youth-focused streamers. Must understand that a great idea can be both big and small but always requires insightful reasoning, demonstrating an understanding of the \"why.\" Should also be comfortable with data and skilled in driving data-driven storytelling. Highly organized with strong communication skills to collaborate with different internal stakeholders. Passionate about youth culture, technology and media. Bachelor's Degree in Journalism, Communications, Business, or a related field is preferred. $ 70000- $80000 a year The salary range for this position is $70,000 - $80,000. Factors such as scope and responsibilities of the position, candidate's work experience, education/training, job-related skills, internal peer equity, as well as market and business considerations may influence base pay offered. This salary range is reflective of a position based in California. This salary will be subject to a geographic adjustment (according to a specific city and state), if an authorization is granted to work outside of the location listed in this posting. Commitment to Inclusion At Tinder, we don't just accept difference, we celebrate it. We strive to build a workplace that reflects the rich diversity of our members around the world, and we value unique perspectives and backgrounds. Even if you don't meet all the listed qualifications, we invite you to apply and show us how your skills could transfer. Tinder is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace where we welcome people of all sexes, gender identities, races, ethnicities, disabilities, and other lived experiences. Learn more here: https://www.lifeattinder.com/dei If you require reasonable accommodation to complete a job application, pre-employment testing, or a job interview or to otherwise participate in the hiring process, please speak to your Talent Acquisition Partner directly.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/25548567", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25467863, "name": "Sr. Technical Product Manager, Identity & Authentication", "location": "West Hollywood, California", "locations": ["West Hollywood, California"], "hot": 0, "department": "Match Group", "business_unit": "Engineering", "t_update": 1728486165, "t_create": 1728415048, "ats_job_id": "524c9108-65e8-4df8-b35c-edf9ff23b776", "display_job_id": "524c9108-65e8-4df8-b35c-edf9ff23b776", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "2822003696353270278-en", "job_description": "Provide training to internal customers on how to utilize the services. Provide recommendations for new technologies; support third-party vendor communications, evaluations, and integrations. You have 5+ years of product management, software development or related experience in an agile environment. You have experience delivering Identity & Authentication products from inception to launch; domain knowledge in Account Integrity, Fraud Detection and Prevention. You have experience supporting business-critical systems for multinational customers at scale in a B2B environment. B2B2C experience preferred. You have the ability to qualify how API services deliver value from a product perspective. You have an expert working knowledge of Google Suite, Jira, Confluence, Slack. You have the ability to structure problem-solving approaches and bring multiple solutions to solving complex problems. You have experience developing processes for sharing information and insights across large organizations. You have experience working with third party technology providers. You have experience working with large datasets for planning and analysis, experience with analytics tools such as SQL and BI software a plus. You have equal comfort communicating to business stakeholders and engineers; ability to tailor the message appropriately to the audience. You have ease with building trust with cross-functional stakeholders through integrity, honesty, authenticity, and drive. You have the ability to demonstrate proactiveness and perseverance in complex and constantly evolving environments.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/25467863", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25441018, "name": "Creative Copywriter", "location": "New York, New York", "locations": ["New York, New York"], "hot": 0, "department": "Hinge", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1728882104, "t_create": 1728331309, "ats_job_id": "fd4799e6-2844-4f13-aa1c-e147fb6ae8bb", "display_job_id": "fd4799e6-2844-4f13-aa1c-e147fb6ae8bb", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "8805620086462908351-en", "job_description": "Write, dream, and write some more. Across campaign concepts, brand narratives, scripts, to social posts - your concise and engaging copy will bring Hinge's creative strategy to life. Think big. You'll turn sharp insights and latest trends in dating, pop culture, and design into out of the box ideas for category-leading marketing campaigns that include OOH, TVCs, Creator Marketing, and beyond. Collaborate with creatives, marketers, product design, and our team of love scientists to inspire daters worldwide. Represent the Hinge brand in Talent and Agency briefings. Take us into the future, with an appetite for AI tools, where/when it's right. A mid-level creative copywriter: You have at least 4 years of copywriting experience, either in-house or at an advertising agency, complete with a portfolio of work that demonstrates your 'big idea' thinking and well-crafted clear, concise, and engaging copy across OOH, TVC, and beyond. Philosophically believe that crafting world-class writing means communicating in a simple, human way that is not a marketing sales pitch. You deeply care about the ethics and power of language through the lens of inclusion. Have deep experience writing in a multitude of mediums. From pithy to prescriptive, you will influence everything from product wayfinding to big brand narratives. Approach every project - from big campaign ideas to quick copy needs - with the same level of heart, enthusiasm, and rigor You love to act as a cultural curator and also an editor that gives others' voices a stage. Are a kind, well-intentioned, and collaborative team player: an autonomous builder that galvanizes cross-functional partners to execute in both traditional and never-done-before-your-brain-thought-of-it media. Have deep empathy and appreciation for the nuances of contemporary dating culture Possess a strong curiosity, ability to deal with ambiguity, work autonomously, and a preference for a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/25441018", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25426718, "name": "Senior Engineer, Backend", "location": "New York, New York", "locations": ["New York, New York"], "hot": 0, "department": "Hinge", "business_unit": "Engineering", "t_update": 1728882104, "t_create": 1728067457, "ats_job_id": "d50972ac-5f63-4062-bcb3-bd4466d9c594", "display_job_id": "d50972ac-5f63-4062-bcb3-bd4466d9c594", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "7484753442162559159-en", "job_description": "Design and build RESTful APIs for mobile clients. Taking part in the backend On-Call rotation (1 whole week, every 8-11 weeks). Design and build microservices that run on Kubernetes. Design and build distributed systems in Go, using cloud infrastructure and platform service components. Own the technical design, implementation, and success of their projects. Collaborate effectively with cross-functional partners. Help foster a culture of collaboration and inclusivity. Cultivate a growth mindset. Effectively organize and manage personal workload, tasks, and meetings. The backend engineering team's mission is to design, build, and operate the various cloud-based services that power Hinge. Backend engineers solve complex technical challenges and own a significant portion of the software stack that enables millions of users to find meaningful connections. We are looking for an experienced senior backend engineer with 5+ years of industry experience to join our engineering team. The ideal candidate is a product minded engineer with a deep understanding of distributed systems and cloud-native technologies, including proficiency in Go, Kubernetes, OpenTelemetry, and gRPC/Protobuf. This is an exciting chance to join a nascent and rapidly growing backend team that is tasked with building out critical cross cutting platform capabilities like experimentation and notifications. This is a team with plenty of greenfield opportunities, where your design will shape the architecture of the underlying platform for years to come.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/25426718", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25426719, "name": "Engineer, Backend", "location": "New York, New York", "locations": ["New York, New York"], "hot": 0, "department": "Hinge", "business_unit": "Engineering", "t_update": 1728882104, "t_create": 1728067142, "ats_job_id": "8e6e2a42-65f8-4bbf-82c4-13e78486a75e", "display_job_id": "8e6e2a42-65f8-4bbf-82c4-13e78486a75e", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1237468416418139759-en", "job_description": "Design and build RESTful APIs for mobile clients. Taking part in the backend On-Call rotation (1 whole week, every 8-11 weeks). Design and build microservices that run on Kubernetes. Design and build distributed systems in Go, using cloud infrastructure and platform service components. Own the technical design, implementation, and success of their projects. Collaborate effectively with cross-functional partners. Help foster a culture of collaboration and inclusivity. Cultivate a growth mindset. Effectively organize and manage personal workload, tasks, and meetings. 3+ years of industry experience as a backend/service engineer. 2+ years of experience working in a cloud environment such as GCP, AWS, Azure. Strong programming skills: Familiarity with Go is a bonus! System Design & Architecture: Familiarity with distributed computing concepts. Collaboration and Communication skills: Ability to clearly communicate complex ideas to teammates. Cloud Technologies: Familiarity with Kubernetes, OpenTelemetry, gRPC/Protobuf, etc.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/25426719", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25379117, "name": "Lead UX Researcher, Monetization", "location": "New York, New York", "locations": ["New York, New York"], "hot": 0, "department": "Hinge", "business_unit": "Product", "t_update": 1728882104, "t_create": 1727813883, "ats_job_id": "577ea31f-dc6a-4145-bca6-9776c7426f4d", "display_job_id": "577ea31f-dc6a-4145-bca6-9776c7426f4d", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "681196102899533002-en", "job_description": "Co-create monetization roadmap and strategy: Own and develop research suite on revenue opportunities for various audiences, in close partnership with cross-functional team. Develop and execute end-to-end research: Conduct end-to-end research using appropriate methods that range from strategic to iterative and evaluative to help team achieve goals. Cross-functional partner: Work in close collaboration with other researchers, product team members (i.e., product managers and designers) and cross-functional partners (i.e., data science, customer experience, marketing and brand strategy) to identify key research questions and prioritize projects in the short and long term. Insights-driven storytelling: Generate actionable insights and communicate them in compelling and creative ways; bridge alignment across Hinge teams through written reports and live presentations to cross-functional partners. Culture champion: Engage in and inspire honest and clear communication, promoting a culture of care, empathy, and respect. 6+ years of user research experience, including 2-3 years of experience in a consumer-facing product research role. Experience working on monetization, subscriptions or new revenue streams or zero-to-one products. Possess strong quantitative (e.g., survey, experimental) skills and expertise with measuring sentiment in experiment frameworks. Strong communicator, committed to telling clear and compelling stories with data. Proficient in data manipulation, analysis, and dashboard creation with R, SPSS, and/or Looker (or similar statistical software.) Proactive at building and sustaining trusting, successful relationships with cross-functional partners (e.g. data science, customer experience, product management, design, engineering, marketing.) Eager to learn from, collaborate with, and mentor other researchers.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/25379117", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25303431, "name": "Sr. Software Engineer, Generative AI", "location": "Palo Alto, California", "locations": ["Palo Alto, California"], "hot": 0, "department": "Tinder", "business_unit": "Engineering", "t_update": 1728882104, "t_create": 1727481762, "ats_job_id": "997ab99c-a148-44d6-b7ea-02071abd4c1d", "display_job_id": "997ab99c-a148-44d6-b7ea-02071abd4c1d", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "826670347319669931-en", "job_description": "Our Mission Launched in 2012, Tinder\u00ae revolutionized how people meet, growing from 1 match to one billion matches in just two years. This rapid growth demonstrates its ability to fulfill a fundamental human need: real connection. Today, the app has been downloaded over 630 million times, leading to over 97 billion matches, serving approximately 50 million users per month in 190 countries and 45+ languages - a scale unmatched by any other app in the category. In 2024, Tinder won four Effie Awards for its first-ever global brand campaign, \u201cIt Starts with a Swipe\u201d\u2122\" Our Values One Team, One Dream We work hand-in-hand, building Tinder for our members. We succeed together when we work collaboratively across functions, teams, and time zones, and think outside the box to achieve our company vision and mission. Own It We take accountability and strive to make a positive impact in all aspects of our business, through ownership, innovation, and a commitment to excellence. Never Stop Learning We cultivate a culture where it's safe to take risks. We seek out input, share honest feedback, celebrate our wins, and learn from our mistakes in order to continue improving. Spark Solutions We're problem solvers, focusing on how to best move forward when faced with obstacles. We don't dwell on the past or on the issues at hand, but instead look at how to stay agile and overcome hurdles to achieve our goals. Embrace Our Differences We are intentional about building a workplace that reflects the rich diversity of our members. By leveraging different perspectives and other ways of thinking, we build better experiences for our members and our team. The Team The Engineering team at Tinder is dedicated to creating innovative features and robust systems that connect people worldwide. We continuously experiment with new ways to engage our members. Despite our global scale, each engineer has an enormous impact due to our high member-to-engineer ratio, giving you the opportunity to make a real difference. AI is a top priority at Tinder, and our Generative AI team is at the forefront of developing features powered by cutting-edge technologies, including large language models (LLMs) and diffusion models. This is a rare opportunity to work on groundbreaking AI-driven products at a company with a global reach, all while being part of a small, agile team where your contributions are felt every day. Where you'll work This is a hybrid role and requires in-office collaboration two times per week. This position is located in Palo Alto, CA. In this role, you will: Conduct applied research of Generative AI, and develop product prototypes. Stay at the forefront of advancements in AI. Develop Generative AI based features in production. Work with big data (handling billions of user swipes per day). Collaborate with other machine learning engineers, backend software engineers, and product managers to integrate ML models into our systems, improving user experience and driving business objectives. Mentor and guide team members, fostering their growth and enabling them to reach their full potential. You'll need: 5+ years of hands-on experience in machine learning, with a proven track record of delivering impactful solutions at scale. PhD or MS in machine learning, computer science, statistics, or another highly quantitative field. In-depth knowledge of deep neural networks, particularly in NLP and CV. Hands on experience in Generative AI. Proficiency in deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, etc. Proficiency in Python, Java, Scala, or similar programming languages. Strong decision-making skills with a bias for action and the ability to navigate ambiguity with confidence. Proven leadership abilities to inspire and motivate teams to excel and achieve ambitious goals. $ 180000- $220000 a year The salary range for this position is $180,000 - $220,000. Factors such as scope and responsibilities of the position, candidate's work experience, education/training, job-related skills, internal peer equity, as well as market and business considerations may influence base pay offered. This salary range is reflective of a position based in Palo Alto. This salary will be subject to a geographic adjustment (according to a specific city and state), if an authorization is granted to work outside of the location listed in this posting. Commitment to Inclusion At Tinder, we don't just accept difference, we celebrate it. We strive to build a workplace that reflects the rich diversity of our members around the world, and we value unique perspectives and backgrounds. Even if you don't meet all the listed qualifications, we invite you to apply and show us how your skills could transfer. Tinder is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace where we welcome people of all sexes, gender identities, races, ethnicities, disabilities, and other lived experiences. Learn more here: https://www.lifeattinder.com/dei If you require reasonable accommodation to complete a job application, pre-employment testing, or a job interview or to otherwise participate in the hiring process, please speak to your Talent Acquisition Partner directly.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/25303431", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25303411, "name": "Sr. Software Engineer, Machine Learning Infrastructure", "location": "Palo Alto, California", "locations": ["Palo Alto, California"], "hot": 0, "department": "Tinder", "business_unit": "Engineering", "t_update": 1728882104, "t_create": 1727481254, "ats_job_id": "17283432-7544-4c56-a225-efd5625a0bde", "display_job_id": "17283432-7544-4c56-a225-efd5625a0bde", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "8042972846046517223-en", "job_description": "Our Mission Launched in 2012, Tinder\u00ae revolutionized how people meet, growing from 1 match to one billion matches in just two years. This rapid growth demonstrates its ability to fulfill a fundamental human need: real connection. Today, the app has been downloaded over 630 million times, leading to over 97 billion matches, serving approximately 50 million users per month in 190 countries and 45+ languages - a scale unmatched by any other app in the category. In 2024, Tinder won four Effie Awards for its first-ever global brand campaign, \u201cIt Starts with a Swipe\u201d\u2122\" Our Values One Team, One Dream We work hand-in-hand, building Tinder for our members. We succeed together when we work collaboratively across functions, teams, and time zones, and think outside the box to achieve our company vision and mission. Own It We take accountability and strive to make a positive impact in all aspects of our business, through ownership, innovation, and a commitment to excellence. Never Stop Learning We cultivate a culture where it's safe to take risks. We seek out input, share honest feedback, celebrate our wins, and learn from our mistakes in order to continue improving. Spark Solutions We're problem solvers, focusing on how to best move forward when faced with obstacles. We don't dwell on the past or on the issues at hand, but instead look at how to stay agile and overcome hurdles to achieve our goals. Embrace Our Differences We are intentional about building a workplace that reflects the rich diversity of our members. By leveraging different perspectives and other ways of thinking, we build better experiences for our members and our team. The Team The Engineering team is responsible for building innovative features and resilient systems that bring people together. We're always experimenting with new features to engage with our members. Although we are a high-scale tech company, the member-to-engineer ratio is very high\u2014making the level of impact each engineer gets to have at Tinder enormous. The machine learning infrastructure team develops infrastructures and systems that support end-to-end machine learning development cycle, including training, serving, feature management, model management, monitoring and observability, etc. About The Role We are looking for a Sr. Software Engineer to help shape and develop the future of Tinder's Machine Learning infrastructure. Your work will empower teams across Tinder to rapidly test hypotheses and scale their experiments on massive datasets, reaching hundreds of billion data points. In this role, you'll collaborate closely with multiple machine learning teams to drive impactful innovation. Where you'll work: This is a hybrid role and requires in-office collaboration twice per week. This position is located in Palo Alto, CA. In this role, you will: Build robust and scalable infrastructure to support the diverse needs of machine learning engineers across all Tinder business units. Set future technical directions for Tinder's ML infrastructure. Mentor junior team members. Leverage your experience to drive best practices in ML and data engineering. Collaborate with cross functional agile teams of software engineers, data engineers, ML experts, and others in building new product features. You'll need: 5+ years of experience with developing platforms related to machine learning training, serving, feature management, experimentation, etc. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Technology, or a related field.Strong understanding of data-driven development, reliability principles, and responsible experimentation practices. Extensive experience with big data processing and storage frameworks such as Hadoop, Spark, Flink, Cassandra, or Kafka. Solid foundation in machine learning concepts like regression, classification, clustering, training, testing, validation, and performance measurement. Proven ability to lead cross-functional initiatives, communicate effectively, and collaborate in team-oriented environments. $ 180000- $220000 a year The salary range for this position is $180,000 - $220,000. Factors such as scope and responsibilities of the position, candidate's work experience, education/training, job-related skills, internal peer equity, as well as market and business considerations may influence base pay offered. This salary range is reflective of a position based in Palo Alto. This salary will be subject to a geographic adjustment (according to a specific city and state), if an authorization is granted to work outside of the location listed in this posting. Commitment to Inclusion At Tinder, we don't just accept difference, we celebrate it. We strive to build a workplace that reflects the rich diversity of our members around the world, and we value unique perspectives and backgrounds. Even if you don't meet all the listed qualifications, we invite you to apply and show us how your skills could transfer. Tinder is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace where we welcome people of all sexes, gender identities, races, ethnicities, disabilities, and other lived experiences. Learn more here: https://www.lifeattinder.com/dei If you require reasonable accommodation to complete a job application, pre-employment testing, or a job interview or to otherwise participate in the hiring process, please speak to your Talent Acquisition Partner directly.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/25303411", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25302608, "name": "Cultural & Consumer Insights Lead", "location": "New York, New York", "locations": ["New York, New York"], "hot": 0, "department": "Hinge", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1728882104, "t_create": 1727465211, "ats_job_id": "92a260d4-3f19-4f40-9664-29d2af71d5f7", "display_job_id": "92a260d4-3f19-4f40-9664-29d2af71d5f7", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "2583621612569499838-en", "job_description": "Thought Leadership: Drive the execution of Hinge's Cultural & Consumer Insights roadmap and build cross-functional buy-in by showing how your work could inspire relevant marketing and product strategies. Deep Research Expertise: Direct internal teams and external partners through a variety of research methods (qualitative, quantitative, ethnographic, semiotics) to investigate important cultural dynamics affecting Hinge and dating globally. Partner with UXR, Business Intelligence, and Finance to leverage internal data where needed. Storytelling & Strategy: Synthesize large amounts of research across different sources and connect the dots into clear insights stories that are easily digestible and prone to ignite action. Workshops & Socialization: Organize and facilitate workshops with marketing and product teams to socialize cultural insights and ensure they are integrated into strategic planning at the right time. Agency Management: Direct external research and strategy agencies, providing clear briefs and strategic direction to ensure their work aligns with Hinge's Cultural & Consumer Insights goals. Oversee the quality and relevance of agency deliverables, and ensure they are grounded in actionable insights that move Hinge's marketing and product strategies forward. Global & Local Perspectives: Balance global trends with regional and local cultural nuances, ensuring that Hinge's brand messaging and product features resonate with diverse audiences worldwide. Extensive Experience: 8+ years in brand, marketing, consumer, or cultural research on the client and/or agency experience. You have hands-on expertise with various research methodologies (qualitative, quantitative, ethnographic, semiotics) and a strong appetite for unearthing deep, human insights that inspire. Demonstrated Leadership: Strong leadership skills with a history of managing and influencing teams, including building strong relationships with cross-functional partners and C-Level executives. Skilled Strategist: Ability to act as a bridge between research and strategy, with a track record of authoring inspiring insight stories & strategies that unlock growth for consumer-focused companies. Cultural Decoder: A passion for uncovering the subtle, often hidden, cultural drivers influencing how people think and behave. You're not afraid to bring avant-garde thinking to the table. Mission-Driven: Passion and curiosity about dating culture and our mission of inspiring intimate connections to create a less lonely world. Experience working on global brands is a plus. So is comfort with quantitative data.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://join.matchgroupcareers.com/careers/job/25302608", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 88, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 1, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 4.0, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": ""}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": null, "facetDisplaySort": {"skills": "count_desc", "departments": "count_desc", "seniority": "count_desc", "work_location_option": "count_desc", "locations": "count_desc"}, "facets": {"skills": {"Collaboration": 30, "Communication": 18, "Social Media": 16, "Leadership": 13, "Product Management": 12, "gRPC": 11, "Protocol Buffers": 11, "Kubernetes": 11, "Microservices": 11, "Cloud Infrastructure": 11, "Distributed Systems": 11, "REST API": 11, "Task Management": 11, "Brand Marketing": 10, "Public Relations": 9, "Content Creation": 9, "Campaign Management": 9, "Relationship Management": 9, "Media Relations": 9, "Strategic Communications": 9}, "departments": {"Tinder": 28, "Hyperconnect": 21, "Hinge": 13, "Eureka": 12, "Match Group": 8, "Meetic": 2, "Plenty of Fish": 2, "Par Perfeito": 1, "The League": 1}, "seniority": {"Mid/Senior": 63, "Entry": 22, "Director": 2, "Intern": 1}, "work_location_option": {"onsite": 79, "hybrid": 9}, "locations": {"Remote": 999999, "Seoul, Korea, Republic of": 21, "Tokyo, Japan": 14, "New York, NY, United States": 12, "West Hollywood, CA, United States": 10, "Los Angeles, CA, United States": 7, "Palo Alto, CA, United States": 6, "Dallas, TX, United States": 4, "San Francisco, CA, United States": 4, "Dublin, D, Ireland": 2, "Paris, IDF, France": 2, "Vancouver, BC, Canada": 2, "Ghent, Flanders, Belgium": 1, "London, England, United Kingdom": 1, "Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil": 1, "Singapore": 1}}, "isSubQuery": false, "showBusinessUnitInPositionSidebar": false, "hideDepartment": null, "iframeImplementation": null, "pcsTextConfiguration": {}, "facetNoTitlecase": null, "skipCSSFacetCapitalization": false, "enableMapClustering": false, "readmoreInstructionEnabled": false, "candidateLogin": {"postApplyReviewLink": {"enabled": true, "url": "/api/apply/v2/profile/review/initialize_user?domain=gotinder.com", "title": "What's next? 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